Making scientific research accessible
Here, you’ll find easy-to-read summaries of scientifically rigorous, evidence-based and peer-reviewed publications from around the world to help you better plan, build, and manage ecologically sustainable linear infrastructure.
Research summaries are listed chronologically according to when they were published here.
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Have you recently published a peer-reviewed scientific paper on transportation and ecology? Do you want practitioners all around the world to find and use your results? Then you need to contribute a Research Summary!
Critically endangered possum uses two different types of canopy bridges to cross forestry roads
The tiny Leadbeater’s possum is critically endangered from a combination of habitat destruction, timber harvesting, the effects of high-intensity forest fires, and habitat fragmentation from roads and fire-breaks. We tested two different designs of canopy bridges across roads in their forest habitat and both were used, reducing the risk of predation by terrestrial predators and wildlife-vehicle collision.
Transportation infrastructure is a growing but under-appreciated threat to the world’s primates.
The expansion of transportation and service corridors (T&S) (i.e., roads, railways and utility and service lines) poses a significant yet underappreciated threat to many species of wildlife. We conducted the first comprehensive systematic review of the impact of T&S corridors on primates at a global scale, and we show that primate species are more threatened by T&S corridors than previously reported. We also show that impacts are diverse and multifaceted, and that only a minority of studies focused on mitigation implementation and evaluation.